Monday, September 24, 2007

Becker Brussels Sprouts--the opening recipe!

Okay, so this is probably the very least original thing I've ever done. I really enjoyed reading Julie and Julia by Julie Powell. I really recommend the book, Julie cooks her way through Julia Child's cookbook. That being said, I've decided that I need a hobby. I've been randomly casting around for one for a while--it needs to not be terribly time consuming because I'm a grad student and I would like it to actually give me something practical. This is problematic--even though I love crafts and such, they don't love me. I'm amazingly untalented at crafts ::sigh:: Add on to that the fact that I have decided that I need to cook more--I am stuck in a rut, which I realized when I was taking care of my mother for the last month. Also, I watch a lot of Top Chef and such, and want to be able to scoff when they incorrectly make a semifreddo or that means that I need to know what they are!

So--how do these things go together? I have decided to cook my way through the The Joy of Cooking. I suspect this will take forever as I am only guaranteeing the cooking of twenty recipes a month. I should be able to do more but everyone who has ever cooked from TJOC knows that it reads like a Choose your own Adventure novel and every recipe refers back to other recipes. I can't guarantee more recipes because I do have a job--and, more importantly, a limited income. On the bright side, I have a boyfriend who loves to eat, which should help.

I'm using the 75th anniversary edition of TJOC--and I hope you read a long. If at ANY time you want to send me which recipes you are working on, and reviews, I would be ecstatic to post it.

And on the topic of my readers...I don't have a great track record of posting on blogs. Because of that, I'm not telling anyone that I'm writing it for a few weeks. I imagine that means I won't get any hits at all. If I'm wrong and you are reading this--let me know!

So the first recipe--Becker Brussels Sprouts, pg 262. My father gave me a ton of Brussels sprouts from his garden and BS's are Josh's favorite food. Pretty much, this is BS's sauteed in garlic butter. They were really good. Brussels sprouts are really good when they are fresh and everybody loves garlic butter...and the recipe was extremely easy. I managed to make it while I was also making a Bolognase sauce and Meatballs, neither of which were TJOC recipes--although they were great anyway!

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